Wednesday, November 14, 2007

That would be MISS Champion to you.

So last weekend was fantastic. I got sick, that part sucked. Thursday was great, I came in and surprised my mom and got to see her peeps at Schechter. Then I went home and did a little cleaning and caught up on Weeds (so good!). Thursday for dinner I was so lucky and got to go to my FAVE ever Tsukasa with Lane and mom. Then I went out for drinks with Emilie and Rachel S. There were some creepy people at the Ram so that was fun. I was so excited to see Emilie cuz I really miss her and then Jer came by to say hi and we ended up hanging out and talking for a while. It was so good to see both of them because they are really my bff's and three months away has been a LONG time! Friday morning Dad and I went to visit Helga and brought my broken iPod to Best Buy (sad face) and Friday night we had our faux Thanksgiving dinner at home. I had SO much fun. We had some AWESOME food and just an all around awesome time. Saturday was good because I got to hang out with Jer and Rach some more but I was feeling really icky so that sucked. Laney and I watched The Inside Man and then mom and dad brought us Lou's (mmmmmmm cheesy goodness). It was a good day besides the fever. Sunday I felt so much better which was really nice so Lane and I hung out with his parents for a bit in the morning and then we watched Ratatouille (yayy so cute) and then he and I went for Chipotle with Lori. Jeremy came by to say goodbye (tear) and then I hung out, packed and headed back to Orlando. Pros of the weekend, got to see everyone and squish my doggies. Cons: iPod broke, got sick and left my Disney Visa in O'Hare at the self check-in thing. Boooooooo. Besides those three boo's, the rest was great.

Then back to work! Monday I had class and work in the afternoon. Work was fine, SUPER busy. I had my first day in the parade and it was honestly not that bad. I wear a silly costume of silver pants (yes, silver), a white shirt with baggy arms, a cumberbund and a white beret type of hat with a big blue feather in the front. It's awkward and funny looking but not as bad as it could be. Lance, the big, beautiful horse that we were following was super nice and held everything in so no messy work necessary. Walking through the parade was pretty cool, seeing all those people watching you is insane. My favorite part about the whole experience though was being able to see what the parade entertainment people do and go before the parade.

Walking into the parade costuming area is the scariest thing ever. There are heads on the walls in bags and bodies hanging everywhere. It was very frightening and cool at the same time.

The rest of work this week so far hasn't been too bad. Lots of pin trading and the usual. One older gent in a scooter did stop myself and another cast member and the following convo ensued.

Old man: Hey girls, girls.
Us: Yes sir, can we help you?
Old man: I just gotta tell you . . .
(We're shaking out heads, looking all friendly)
Old man: A woman in uniform, it just gets me excited!!!

The cast member and I nod our heads politely and say, thanks and have a great day only to walk away and crack up. I guess being old lets people think they can do and say whatever they want.

In some other exciting news, last night was Casino Night in Vista and I forced my two roomies to go with me (I'm an admitted Blackjackaholic). We go and play a set of hands with the chips they give us and the really nice dealer explains that the person with the most chips at the end of 7 rounds can go to the tournament at the end. So after the second round of hands, the girls to our left who are playing give us their chips and say it was fun, blah blah good luck if you go into the final tournament. We had enough chips to go into it and since I was the only one out of the three of us who really knew the game, I go into the final tournament. Then we thought I'd get bumped out but I didn't so they call us all over to play 7 more hands to determine the winner. They're all very serious about it and rope off the table and make it all exciting like. I stand there and moderately play the first few hands, win a few, lose a few. Then the last hand, I go all in with the rest of my chips. I see everyone else's piles dwindle and realize that I've won 2nd place!! Haha, my roommates and I were just cracking up. I got a trophy, a travel coffee mug and a bunch of pictures taken for the next issue of the newsletter they give out to us. It was both a hilarious and fun adventure. Then Kristina bought pizza for my "celebration dinner" and we all had a grand ol' time hanging out.

I can't believe we have less than 2 months here. It's going by awfully fast. My home roomies come in on Saturday afternoon. I'm absolutely stoked. We're gonna have a blast!!!!

1 comment:

Debbie Harris said...

So, where's the photo of you in your new costume?