Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sure I'll sift through trash for you!!!!!

Today I had a great time at work!! It was incredibly hot outside but I had plenty of water all day. I started out by getting my first paycheck (a whopping 65 dollars, I know, you're jealous) and then I went to my Basics class about guest service and such. Then I had my first REAL shift of work. It was great. It went by kind
of slow because I was just sweeping up and down Sunset but it was great because I got to really help a lot of people.

This one guest comes up to me and asks if I can get into the trash can. (I wanted to tell her "Yes, but it's a little uncomfortable" but I thought that was not so Disney.) So I put on my trusty gloves that I keep in my stylish side pouch and start sifting through the trash to try and find her son's admission ticket that is still good for another 4 days. Unfortunately, we do trash runs a lot and the trash had probably already been emptied. So I directed them towards guest relations and hopefully they got help there. She seemed really grateful that I looked through peoples' nasty trash for her so that was at least good!!!

I met some really nice people who also work on Sunset tonight so that was good. I'm excited that I have three days off after tomorrow. My roomies and I are going to go to the parks on Saturday, especially since one of our roomies has NEVER ever been to a Disney park. So that'll be great. For now, I think I'm going to sleep so I can get up early to work out!!! :-) Night all!!!!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Love your blog. I know I am in the minority but it's hard to read red on black...never mind I have to get my glasses out. Can you have the blog for ladies with bad eyes?

Hey, at least you didn't have to look for a retainer in that trash..we just found out Ethan lost his at SSDS. He threw up in the toilet, put his hand into retrieve the retrainer but lost it to the automatic flush Such is the life of an 11 year old.

MISS YOU...Love you. V