Friday, August 17, 2007

A Well Deserved Day Off

Yesterday I had my "Global Custodial Training Day". I learned about bloodbourne pathogens, how to interact with certain guests and safety while on the job. Then I learned about the different brooms, mops and equipment I'll use while working. I know, I bet you didn't know there was a right and a wrong way to mop, but there is.

Today I've had lots of fun chilling after a crazy night out with the roommates. We had a great time at Pleasure Island going to a few of the great bars there. We danced and played like crazy so it was pretty great. Today we all needed to sleep in so it was that we all had a day off!! My shoes for work came from Zappos and then I had to return the other sizes of shoes so I visited the local UPS store. I worked out in our little exercise room and then just chilled for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I need to take my car in in the morning but then after that I plan on working out and just hanging out a little more like today. I need all the down time I have because I have lots of training scheduled for next week!!!

1 comment:

Joni said...

It looks as if you are going to be an old timer at Disney within a week. I definitely want to see you in "costume" so have someone take a picture. Reservations made for October. Orlando, here we come! Love, Joni