Friday, September 28, 2007

I would LOVE to stay late.

So I finished day 4 of 10. I'm doing pretty okay too. Right now I'm exhausted but I was at work from 10-8 so that's pretty much why I'm so sleepy!!!

Yesterday was SO much fun. We went to Animal Kingdom and had a friggin blast. We danced with the African music troupe peeps and they were so much fun. My friend Shan took really funny videos of us doing it. We rode Expedition Everest 3 times and Dinosaur once, then saw The Festival of the Lion King. I went to work after that. I had this incredibly boring class called "Safety In Motion" and it was about moving in safe ways (duh). It was fun though I was just "working the streets" yesterday on Sunset. Haha.

Today I was in Icon alllll day. It was actually really good. The new High School Musical show has started so that was fun. I know a lot more of the words than I used to in the songs. :-)

I had to do powervac again for the parade and that was really hot but besides that it was a good day. Then my manager, C one of my faves (an Illinois alum, woot!) asked me to stay an hour late which I gladly did since I would be working overtime then. So I stayed and now I am home and have crashed on our big squishy chair!!

Tomorrow and the day after I have short shifts in the evening so that's nice to know that I have time in the mornings to do whatever I want to!!! For now I'm going to try to watch Grey's Anatomy online (I'm having a hard time rarrr) and then go to sleep early. Night!!!

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