Monday, September 24, 2007

Sun showers are fun.

So Saturday was pretty uneventful. I worked a closing 6 hour shift on Sunset which was fine, the usual. There were fun people working so that was good! It rained at night (oh goodness, I know, soooo surprising!!) but it was a good night. I had yesterday and today off so I have been running errands, cleaning, working out and doing my thing.

Yesterday was the end of my first ever 12 Week Body-for-Life Challenge. I exercised and changed my eating habits for 12 weeks straight working out 6 days a week (alright, since I've been here either 5 or 6 days a week). I'm super proud of myself but more exciting I have lost 9 pounds in the last three months. I've gained muscle and stamina and I couldn't be more proud of myself for finishing (even though some people thought I may not go the whole time). I haven't used my inhaler in who knows how long too so the health benefits are showing too already.

Today my roomie and I got up and did cardio. She decided that she wants to work out with me so she and I both started a new 12 Week program. My goal is to lose another 10 pounds before I leave Florida.

So besides running errands and such I am just going to do some work today and hang out. :-) Have a great week everyone!!

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